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- - Nutrition
رحمة 15-09-2008 05:38 مساءً
Biology For General Secondary Certificate - Two Terms - Chapter One : Nutrition
I. Complete the following sentences with suitable words:
1- In photosynthesis .............. is the limiting factor of the Dark reactions.

- Temperature

2- Salivary amylase catalyzes the hydrolysis of ................ into............ in ................. Medium

- Starch - dissacharide maltose - Alkaline

3- Cellulose walls are ................. but plasma membranes are ................

- Permeable - Semi-permeable.

4- A part of the energy stored in the excited chlorophyll is used in ............. and another part is stored in the form of ................…

- Splitting water molecules - ATP

5- The mesophyll in plant leaves is composed of ................. and ..................... tissues.

- Palisade - spongy tissue.


- (1) Maltase (2) (3) glucose


- (1) Sucrase (2) (3) Fructose


- (1) Lactase (2) (3) glucose


- Amino acids


- Enterokinase


II. Write the scientific term that is expressed by each of the following sentences:-
1- A series of rhythmic contractions and relaxations of circular muscles which extend along the alimentary canal

- Peristalsis

2- A process through which the digested food is transfered from the digestive system to the blood and lymph.

- Absorption

3- Diffusion of water molecules from a diluted medium of high water concentration to another of lower water concentration.

- Osmosis.

4- A muscular valve that passes food to the stomach and prevents its returning to the Oesophagus.

- Cardiac sphincter.

5- A digestive enzyme that changes fats into fatty acids and glycerols.

- Lipase.

6- The ability of colloidal substances to absorb water.

- imbibition.

7- Disc shaped granules extend in piles inside the chloroplasts.

- grana.

8- A medical case resulted from partial digestion of the stomach wall.

- Peptic ulcer.

9- Breaking down polymers into monomers with the help of hydrolysis and enzymes.

- Digestion.
منتديات كويك لووك

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