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Common mistakes: absorbed accuse
Galal Hasanin 21-04-2015 07:07 مساءً
Common Mistakes
Today we are going to start a series of lessons that handle and correct some of the common mistakes to which foreign learners of English are liable.
اليوم سنبدأ سلسلة من الدروس التي تتعامل مع بعض الاخطاء الشائعة التي يتعرض لها دارسي اللغة الانجليزية الاجانب.


Using a wrong preposition

Absorbed = very much interested [spoiler=ترجمة]منهمك - شغوف[/spoiler]

p6yJ0Yr absorbed in yrMqL4C absorbed at

Say : He is absorbed in his work.
Don't say : He is absorbed at his work.

Accuse : to say someone has done something wrong. [spoiler=ترجمة]يتهم[/spoiler]

p6yJ0Yr accuse someone of yrMqL4C accuse someone for
Say : His friends accused him of treason.
Don't say : His friends accused him for treason.
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