منتديات كويك لووك
(نسخة قابلة للطباعة من الموضوع)
أنقر هنا لمشاهدة الموضوع بهيئته الأصلية

إجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية 2ثانوي 2010
Mona Galal 14-06-2010 02:40 مساءً
إجابة الإمتحان
Respond to each of the following situations
I recommend this hotel because it is cheaper than
the others / I advise you to stay in this cheap hotel.

/ I have been studying all day/I have been working[very hard.

I am sorry I cant come I am visiting my sick uncle on

that day/ I wish I could come, but I am too busy

I would love to but I am too busy

? Could you speak a little lower, please

سؤال الاختيارات
1- b
2- d
3- c
4- a
5- b
6- d
7- a
8- c
9- b
10- c
11- a
12- d
13- b
14- b
15- c
16- a
Find the mistakes
Im sure theres no secret between you and me.
Dakhla oasis has a population of 75.000 persons.
Hearing that you won the first prize made my day.
You have never tried growing fruit or vegetables, have
you ?
Because Chinese goods are cheap* many people can
afford them.
This shop is open everyday from 8.00 a.m to 11.00 p.m
except for Friday.

الاجابة الرسمية من كنترولات الوزارة علي الرابط التالي


منتديات كويك لووك

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