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موضوع بعنوان :Oldest tree in the world
الكاتب :Galal Hasanin

Oldest tree in the world
Spruce Tree

Age: 9,550 year old
Place: the Dalarna province of Sweden
Survival: The spruce tree has shown to be a tenacious survivor that has endured by growing between erect trees and smaller bushes in pace with the dramatic climate changes over time.


Research shown that the spruce is one of
the oldest known trees in the Swedish mountain region.
Scientists found four generations of spruce remains in the form
of cones and wood produced from the highest grounds.
Since spruce trees can multiply with root penetrating branches,
they can produce exact copies, or clones.
Although summers have been colder over the past 10,000 years, these trees have survived harsh weather conditions due to their ability to push out another trunk as the other one died.

- Spruce: نوع من شجر الصنوبر
- tenacious : راسخ
- bushes : شجيرات
- cone: مخروط
- multiply : تتكاثر
- clones : نسخ متماثلة