Paragraph about Global Terrorism

Paragraph about Global Terrorism



No doubt, terrorism is considered a threat to international peace and security. It’s clear that it has become an international problem. The word “terrorism” comes from the word “terror” which means a violent action which causes great fear.  

Let’s shed light on some of the causes of this fatal enemy. Ignorance and illiteracy are root causes of terrorism. In addition, poverty is considered a fertile land where terrorists can throw their evil seeds. Social and political injustice is another reason that breeds terrorism. We also should bear in mind that misunderstanding the main ideas of a religion may lead to terrorist ideas.

Now let’s focus on some of the main effects of terrorism on societies. It has bad effects on economy. In other words, it has resulted in the destruction of infrastructure in many parts of the world. Thus governments have to spend large amounts of money to make up for that. The terrorist attacks  in many parts of the world have caused thousands of deaths over years. It has created an atmosphere of suspicion, fear and panic all around. As a result, it has made world politics more complicated and difficult.

What about the solutions? I think education is a major solution to terrorism. Governments should educate their people to understand the differences in cultures, religions, beliefs and human behavior. It is also very important to eliminate the root of terrorism not killing a terrorist. Governments must co-operate to fight the people who finance terrorism. In brief, governments should spread awareness among people that terrorism is not a solution to any problem and it just leads to violence and destruction.

Last but not least, terrorism is against religions and civilizations. It just makes people feel unsafe.

الارهاب terrorism
الأمن security
فعل عنيف violent action
عدو فتاك fatal enemy
الجهل والأمية Ignorance and illiteracy
الفقر poverty
الحكومات governments
أرض خصبة fertile land
البنية التحتية infrastructure
شك suspicion

لتحميل الملف بصيغة وورد للتعديل عليه

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