شرح الوحدة الاولي اللغة الانجليزية الثاني الثانوي 2019

شرح الوحدة الاولي اللغة الانجليزية الثاني الثانوي 2019

شرح الوحدة الاولي اللغة الانجليزية الثاني الثانوي 2019

شرح الوحدة الاولي اللغة الانجليزية الثاني الثانوي 2019

اعزائي طلاب الصف الثاني الثانوي.

نبدأ معكم في شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية 2019. حرصا منا علي المساهمة في استذكار ومراجعة دروسكم نقدم لكم شرح الوحدة الاولي اللغة الانجليزية الثاني الثانوي 2019.

واليوم نبدأ بالوحدة الاولي وتشتمل علي:

عدد 2 فيديو فيهما شرح الكلمات والنقاط الاساسية والهامة في الوحدة الاولي.

عدد واحد ملف لمتابعة الشرح والمناقشة ويشمل الكلمات والجرامر

لمشاهدة الشرح علي الكلمات اضغط هنا

لمشاهدة شرح الجرامر اضغط هنا

لمشاهدة الشرح علي اليوتيوب اضغط هنا و هنا

لمشاهدة ومتابعة القناة علي اليوتيوب اضغط هنا



لتحميل الملف اضغط هنا

شرح الوحدة الاولي اللغة الانجليزية الثاني الثانوي 2019


Choose the correct answers:

  • The ………… status of a person shows whether he / she is married.
  1. a) social b) financial           c) marital                  d) mental
  • Graduates who apply ………… the job must be fluent in English.
  1. a) on b) about                c) for                         d) with
  • When the employee reaches the age of 60, he / she ……………….. .
  1. a) recycles b) retires               c) starves                 d) survives
  • He studied medicine at Cairo university and ……………… as a doctor.
  1. a) applied b) supplied           c) qualified              d) tried
  • She believes that her work for a charity ……… a difference in people’s lives.
  1. a) takes b) works                c) has                       d) makes
  • Ahmed worked ………………… his project all day.
  1. a) out b) against             c) up                         d) on
  • A …………….. is the person who writes for newspapers and magazines.
  1. a) news reporter b) surgeon           c) receptionist         d) lawyer
  • My sister got ………… before she was accepted for the job.
  1. a) a meeting b) a conference    c) a visit                   d) an interview
  • Tourists are always seen in front of famous museums and ……… buildings.
  1. a) history b) historian          c) historic                 d) historical
  • The reason …………… his failure in the exam was that he didn’t study hard.
  1. a) on b) of                       c) for                        d) from


Find and correct the mistakes:

1- He had the qualifications and experience to make great things.

2- He traveled in small planes to find health hearts for transplants.

3- Whatever career he chooses, he wants to do a difference in people’s lives.

4- He doesn’t know what job he would like to make.

5- He does a lot of mistakes in mathematics.

6- He enjoys helping his brothers and sisters to make their homework.

7- I have been working at a new project since February.

8- She worked as a surgeon before she made research on new treatments.

9- My brother has a very difficult decision to do next week.

10- He saved people’s lives by making heart transplants.

11- What are people’s main reasons of continuing to work when they are older?

12- On my opinion, computers are magic.

13- Dr. Yacoub qualified like a doctor in 1957.

14- It’s the role of scientists to do scientific search.

15- Professor Yacoub has risked millions of people’s lives.

16- Yacoub’s aunt dead of a heart problem.

17- I think our teacher of English is friend and efficient.

18- The cause why he is absent is his illness.

19- Are you married or alone?

20- Please, fill in this application farm with your personal details.

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