حل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية 3 ثانوي 2012

حتي يصلنا النموذج الرسمي للاجابة

متجدد لحل جميع الاسئلة ان شاء الله

1. Situations:
1- I’m so cheerful because I have just received good news about my exam result.
2- You miustn’t use the mobile phone while crossing the street or you might have an accident
3- You should wear a life jacket on going out in a boat
4- Is this seat reserved ?

أي اجابة سليمة

2. Speakers:

place : Jewellery shop / Jeweller’s
speaker A: Customer
speaker B: Jeweller
function : request and inquiry

Place : On the beach
Speaker A: Wife
Speaker B: Husband
function: inquiry and giving information

3. Choose:
1. although
2. recuperate
3. will be published
4. complained
5. who appeared
6. landmarks
7. to ask
8. depression
9. hadn’t said
10. fictional
11. is
12. pioneer
13. I had gone
14. Storm chasers
15. Must have been
16. provides

4. Find mistakes:

1. cheapest – cheaper
2. enthusiastic – enthusiast
3. helped – would help
4. Greenmail – Blackmail
5. everywhere – somewhere   واعتقد يمكن استخدام anywher
6. death – life

5. Passage:

1- Learning styles and the different ways our minds and bodies gather information.

2- هنا تختار أي نمط من القطعة وتذكر السبب

3- There are seven types (Linguistic / logical / visual / musical / physical / intrapersonal /interpersonal)

4- c – combines more than one teaching methods

5- d- understand

6. Passage

1- I’m against the immigration of scientists because they should participate in the progress of their country.
2- We must provide our scientists with high wages and satisfactory lifestyle. or The intellectual freedom ….
3- ‘them’ refers to highly skilled and educated people.
4- b – complicates the unemployment problem
5- difference

7. The Gold Mask:

1- Dr. Hafez thought that the man might have been killed but Leila thought that the skull was broken by falling rocks.

2- She discovered a pattern of rocks which looked like the pattern of rocks in the Chimu king’s tomb.

1- ‘me‘ refers to ( Amalia ) ‘you‘ refers to ( Leila).
2- Because she put the little gold rabbit among Leila’s work clothes to put her into trouble.

1- .. people might think that Dr. Hafez was giving her special treatment .
2- .. must have opened the safe with its keys.

تعليق 1
  1. Alnasser Yousef يقول

    great efforts

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