الفرق بين Historic و Historical

دروس اللغة الانجليزية

عشاق ودارسى اللغة الانجليزية الناطقين بالعربية نقدم لكم سلسلة فروقات اللغة الانجليزية واليوم مع الفرق بين Historic و Historical.

سلسلة كورس Special difficulties فى تعلم اللغه الإنجليزيه. كورس تأسيس اللغة الانجليزية من خلال شروحات بالصوت والصورة.

Fluent English تحميل كورس الانجليزية بطلاقة

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الفرق بين Historic و Historical

هناك العديد من كلمات اللغة الانجليزية التى تسبب تشوش لدى الطالب بسبب التشابه الكبير بين تلك الكلمات، ولذلك حرصنا على تقديم سلسلة شرح لها بالتدريج.

واليوم نقدم الفرق بين Historic Vs Historical باللغة العربية مدعم بالامثلة.

شاهد الفيديو

History / Historian / Historic / Historical

` History التاريخ       — I like reading about history.

` Historian مؤرخ     — A historian is someone who records historical events.

` Historical  تاريخي  : of or concerning history     يدور حول التاريخ – متعلق بالتاريخ

— a historical novel / poem / matters / research/ film

— Most folk songs have been made up to record historical events.

historical order

historical characters

historical documents

Archaeologists found historical documents inside the temple.

historical legends

— From the historical point of view – from the political point of view

— The painter has completed his historical painting.

The novel is full of historical details.

The hero in this novel a historical character with a fake name.

Will you stop reminding John of his past? His crimes are all historical events.


` Historic: important in history ذو قيمة تاريخية  تاريخي بمعني هام

— a historic occasion /moment / a historic event / a historic summit / a historic building

Holding this conference is a historic moment.

Nationalizing the Sues Canal was a historic event.

The Moon landing was a historic event.

As Columbus set sail, no one knew how historic the voyage would become.

About 3000 people, including over 500 media crews, descended on the desert to watch the historic flight.

We are standing on a historic site; this is where the battle of Gettysburg took place.

This is a historic winning for Liverpool.

As William Safire once said, “Any past event is historical, but only the most memorable ones are historic.”


— The publication of Morrison’s historical novel proved to be a historic event.

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