اختبار الكتروني للتابلت اولي ثانوي انجليزي

اختبار الكتروني للتابلت اولي ثانوي انجليزي
اختبار الكتروني للتابلت اولي ثانوي انجليزي

اختبار الكتروني للتابلت اولي ثانوي انجليزي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الزملاء الاعزاء وابنائي طلاب الصف الاول الثانوي:

قمت بعمل نموذج اختبار الكتروني للتابلت اولي ثانوي انجليزي. الهدف هو تشجيع الطلاب علي الاختبارات الالكترونية.

نبذة عن الاختبار:

قمت بوضع الاسئلة من كتاب التدريبات Work Book علي اول ثلاث وحدات.

التزمت بوضع كل الاسئلة عدا القطعة والقصة والبراجراف.

يرجي من الطلاب والسادة المعلمين اعطاء رأيهم في اسلوب الاختبار.

ولو يوجد اي اقتراحات سوف نضعها في الاعتبار.

اولا شاهد الفيديو التوضيحي للاختبار

الآن ضع البيانات المطلوبة لبدء الاختبار

مرحبا بك في نموذج اختبار للتابلت انجليزي اولي ثانوي اول 3 وحدات

هذا الاختبار مأخوذ من Review A علي الوحدات الاولي الثلاث 1-3

يجب ملئ البيانات التالية ثم الضغط علي التالي او Next

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Choose the correct answers:
My brother ............ a lot of money from his job as a pilot.


Choose the correct answers:
I always .......... ill if I go on a boat.


Choose the correct answers:
If I ............ a camera. I would take a photo of the family part


Choose the correct answers:
 My brother ____ ___ a goal in a school football match yesterday.


Choose the correct answers:
If you .......... very fast, you'll catch your train.


Choose the correct answers:
If I felt tired, I'd go to bed _______.


Choose the correct answers:
 Someone who studies soil and rocks is called a/an .........


Choose the correct answers:
 Someone who writes for a newspaper is called a ..........


Choose the correct answers:
Neil Armstrong .............. on the moon in 1969.


Choose the correct answers:
While he ......... as a journalist, Charles Dickens was writing magazine stories.


Choose the correct answers:
Something hit the car window so it was _______ .


Choose the correct answers:
You can only use this computer if you know the _______.


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
This is my mobile. It owes to me


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
Mahmoud always understands the most complete maths problems.


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
Ms Jehan is the headmaster of our school.


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
I am used to play tennis. It is my habit.


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
How long ago do you travel to Alex?


Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
Were he ran fast, he would come on time.


Answer four only:
1. What is remote sensing?


Answer four only:
1. What is remote sensing?


Answer four only:
2. What was the truth that Caleb Plummer hid from Bertha?


Answer four only:
3.  Why do you think we should be grateful to great scientists like Dr EI-Baz?


Answer four only:
4.  In your opinion, what do you learn from The Cricket on the Hearth?


Answer four only:
5.  Why do you think the human brain is more complex than the most powerfucomputer


Answer four only:
6.  "Sometimes people are forced to tell lies." Are you for or against this? Say why!


Translate into Arabic:
Dr Mostafa EI-Sayed's work is very useful in medicine.


Translate into Arabic:
At one o'clock yesterday, I was having my lunch.


Translate into English:
كل المصريين فخورين بعلمائهم العظام في شتي المجالات

Thank you for doing نموذج اختبار للتابلت انجليزي اولي ثانوي اول 3 وحدات

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