قاعدة “IF” الحالة صفر Conditional Sentences


The Zero conditional

If + subject + present simple , subject + present simple

. This case is used for situations that are always true (laws of nature, physics, astronomy, etc.

تعبر عن حقائق ثابتة مثل قوانين الطبيعة والفيزياء والفلك الخ ….

مواضيع تهمك

☺ If water is heated to 100c, it boils.  

☺ If the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, there is a solar eclipse.

كما أنها تعبر عن عادات ثابتة

☺ If I feel tired, I usually go to bed.      If = When


  1. Heat changes water into steam. (If)

  2. The body dies due to the stop of the brain. (if)

  3. Not getting enough water, plants die. (If)

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